I have added two links in my Campaign Links section. One is a letter of endorsement for Larry Diedrich by the South Dakota Shooting Sports Association. The other is a candidate rating of South Dakota House and Senate seats in regard to those best suited to protect the Second amendment.
Here is an excerpt from an email I received from David F. Conway, SD Shooting Sports Assoc.-Legislative Affairs and NRA-ILA State EVC:
In the 2000 and 2002 elections, gun owners played an integral role in securing the course of history for the Second Amendment. We cannot relax now. We need to continue electing those who understand, appreciate, and respect our firearms heritage. Politicians who will make a vigorous effort towards enhancing and protecting our constitutional rights. Our candidate ratings will assist your decisions on election day.The Larry Diedrich and Stephanie Herseth race will need everyone's attention. SDSSA is the NRA State Affiliate and we generally agree with all NRA positions. But in this race, we take a different stance. Herseth has not been given an "A" rating from SDSSA. She has no history of supporting firearms ownership. She is a candidate, and as such, will say what is necessary to be elected. Diedrich, on the other hand, is endorsed with an "A+" rating.
Click on the image to view a mailing I received from the NRA asking us to vote for Larry Diedrich
Please help spread the word. There are those who will misrepresent this issue.
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