I had a busy day at work and could not participate in the fast moving coverage of the Moore-Daschle saga that ripped threw the blogosphere today. Fortunately the other members of the Dakota Blog Alliance were able to keep up.
First was the Washington Times report on the Hugh Hewitt column of yesterday regarding the impact the Dakota Alliance is having on politics in South Dakota. Glenn Reynolds also linked to that column.
Then came this shocker form the Rapid City Journal:
There was no hug between "Fahrenheit 9/11" director Michael Moore and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle at the film's June 23 premiere in Washington, D.C., Daschle said Thursday.When asked about Moore's account of a hug after the premiere and the criticism Daschle has received for it, the South Dakota Democrat said he and Moore did not embrace. Daschle said his schedule forced him to arrive late and leave early.
"I know we senators all tend to look alike. But I arrived late, and I had to leave early for Senate votes. I didn't meet Mr. Moore," Daschle said.In a lengthy Time magazine piece about the movie and its political effects, Richard Corliss reported Moore's criticism of Daschle's leadership and the filmmaker's account of a hug with Daschle.
"At the Washington premiere, Moore sat a few rows behind Daschle. Afterward, says Moore, ‘He gave me a hug and said he felt bad and that we were all gonna fight from now on. I thanked him for being a good sport,'" Corliss wrote.
Daschle, who was at the premiere at the invitation of producer/distributor Harvey Weinstein, said he and Moore have never met.
DVT quickly noted the plot thickens. Hugh Hewitt also weighed in and so did Ryne McClaren. SDP discovered Drudge also had picked up the Rapid City Journal report.
DVT then found Glenn Reynold's discovery on Moorewatch.com of an anti-American ad Moore is using in Belgium.
Then history professor Jon Lauck provides us with an analysis that includes Joseph Welch’s comment regarding McCarthy.
I am exhausted.
By the way...where was the Argus Leader in all of this? I emailed (scroll down) David Kranz and Randell Beck a couple of days ago on the Times magazine report and how it conflicted with Kranz's column. I still haven't received a response from either one.
Oh yes...I almost forgot. Greg Belfrage has been on top of this the last two days and has provided a great opportunity for locals to comment.
UPDATE: Now Moorewatch has started a thread on th Rapid City Journal report.
Quentin Riggins is now calling this "Hug Gate".
AFTER THOUGHT: I wonder if Michael Moore will sue Daschle for libel?
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