This is the titled of Saturday’s column by Noel Hamiel, the publisher of the Mitchell Daily Republic. He compared his memories of the 1968 protests to the protests at this year’ GOP convention. Here is the ending:
John Kerry’s resurrection of the Vietnam War and his role as a war hero may not achieve his desired result. Instead of persuading America that he is the best man to be president and oversee the war on terrorism, it seems to be splitting the nation even further, opening up old wounds, and reminding a large voting block of a time when all politicians became suspect.That’s a feeling that lasts to this day for many Americans.
This analysis seems to fit one theme of the Democrat convention...two Americas. The Democrats are not the uniters. Their class warfare arguments that surrounds their socialist agenda does nothing but divide America. Is this what those on the left call progressive? Not!
by Steve Sibson
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