Today’s David Kranz column provides a huge revelation concerning Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 movie regarding Tom Daschle:
Sen. Tom Daschle is characterized by critics as being close to Michael Moore, whose controversial documentary, "Fahrenheit 9/11" is now showing. But area residents who saw the film say there may be a reason why Daschle left the movie early.
A dozen moviegoers say it is not particularly flattering to Daschle. They say post-2000 presidential election footage shows congressional leaders Daschle and Rep. Dick Gephardt sitting and looking at a telephone. A voice says: "And the Democrats, well, they just sat around waiting for the phone to ring."
Another sequence has minority members of the House at the microphone offering a motion to contest the outcome of the 2000 electoral college, which gave the election to Bush. Rules say a challenge must be signed by at least one member of the House and one member of the Senate.
After each plea by minority members, Vice President Gore, presiding as Senate President Pro Tem, says: "Is your motion signed by a member of the House and a member of the Senate?" Each Representative says: "No. No member of the Senate would sign it." The camera cuts to Daschle after these pleas.
Some viewers say there is a disconnect, however, when Moore characterizes Daschle as passive about the Iraq War. They point out that the Democratic leader took heat at home for saying the president didn't exercise enough diplomacy before going to war.
So it looks like now Daschle Democrats are starting to realize the fraud of Michael Moore. But the Daschle Democrats, including David Kranz, have not honestly accepted the clout Daschle has lost by trying to have it both ways…but
DVT didn’t:
I just returned from "Fahrenheit 9-11" and it was basically as predicted--anti-Bush, anti-war, and organized around a Marxian theme of the rich and powerful controlling and manipulating the weak. Most interesting, however, were Moore's prominent digs at Senator Daschle, which must have made for some odd moments at the gala premier in Washington which Daschle shut down the Senate to attend. Moore sees Daschle as a weak enabler who supported Bush's "fraudulent" election in Florida and his "lies" about the Iraq war. This, once again, makes the point that the Michael Moore/Howard Dean base of the Democratic Party thinks Daschle is a weak leader and that's why the speculation continues that Daschle will lose his post as Minority Leader.
Now that Moore's propaganda piece is also a negative attack at Tom Daschle, when will he start whining about it and place it in his category of negative third party attacks? Answer: that would not play well with the leadership of the Democrat Party. The flip flopping Daschle has lost his credibility and his clout. South Dakotans should be informed on this before they vote in November.
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