From Rush Limbaugh:
The Democrats have been demanding a withdrawal, and they've been demanding a timetable, have they not? Isn't that what there was a vote on in the House? There was no specific date of the vote, but the whole premise was voted on, was it not? Isn't that what Congressman Murtha got started with his comments? The whole notion: "We need to get out." They can cover this up and they can try to camouflage it all they want, but let's be truthful. The Democrats did try to make this case. Why have we been saying they are invested in defeat? They are invested in defeat because they are demanding a pullout. They want a withdrawal. They want to set up a timetable, and the president is saying, "Nope, I'm not going to do that because that's going to send the wrong message." Well, John Kerry -- who is still running for president when you listen to this speech -- was part of the two-man duo that came out and did the response, and Senator Kerry had this to say, among other things.
VIETNAM VETERAN JOHN F. KERRY: What it did on the Democratic side seek to do [sic], was set an estimated timetable for success, which will permit the withdrawal of our troops. Everything that we have presented has been presented on the basis of how you succeed. The president today in his speech said, I quote, "America will not run in the face of car bombers and assassins so long as I am commander-in-chief." Well, so long as Jack Reed is a United States Senator and John Kerry is a senator and the rest of us are senators, none of us, no one, has ever suggested or believes that we should run in the face of car bombers or assassins.
RUSH: That's absolute BS, Senator Kerry! That is an absolute lie just like you were famous for doing throughout the 2004 presidential campaign. What is this? He says the Democrats don't want a timetable for withdrawal; they want a timetable for success? What in tarnation's name is this man even doing commenting on this? He's still a D-student. Most people get smarter and we mature as we get older. Kerry is getting dumber. We don't want a deadline for withdrawal; we want a timetable for success? They know that they have swerved into an untenable position. They know that they have swerved with this demand for a withdrawal, a demand for a timetable. Now they come out there and deny that this is what this has all been about the past three weeks? This is the first time I've heard them mention success or victory -- and it didn't sound believable. It sounded forced. It doesn't sound like success and victory are part of Kerry's natural lexicon or vocabulary. But to come out and try to deny what was going on in the past three weeks that was started by Congressman Murtha? "We don't! No, no, we're not interested in withdrawal!" -- and how about this? He has to echo Bush. "As long as I'm in the Senate, as long as Jack Reed's in the Senate, we're not going to run from the face of car bombers and assassins." Why did he have to go and deny that? Because that's what people think they want to do. They want to pull out. They want to withdraw. It's the car bombers that got them all upset, the car bombers that are causing the deaths of the soldiers. These people are trying to rewrite history in the midst of it, and they're not going to get away with it, folks. Not here.
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