A couple of Disciples from the Dumped Daschle are getting awful desperate in the aftermath of the news that Ellsworth is on the base-closing list. First we have Todd Epp calling John Thune a liar:
John, you tried to pull a Joe Namath and promise a win over the Colts in the Super Bowl. You did a "bait and switch" on the South Dakota people. Only instead of getting people to buy the next size up television or DVD at some low rent discount store, you got South Dakotans put their trust and their jobs IN YOUR HANDS because YOU SAID YOU KNEW THE PRESIDENT AND OTHER IMPORTANT PEOPLE who could save EAFB.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
I don’t see where the lie is. And if Epp is concerned about liars, then maybe he should have a talk with Roger Andal, another Dumped Daschle Disciple. Epp posted a challenge from Roger Andal to debate me. This is what Roger Andal said in an April 18 email to me:
I would debate you anytime and anywhere on this issue, but I would rather speak with a veteran who understands the issues.
Liar, liar pants on fire. Now you want to debate me? Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep: That's Roger Andal backing up.
Epp also claimed he wants Ellsworth to stay open. So instead of playing politics by calling John Thune a liar, why don’t he work with the Democrat Senator from South Dakota. He must think Tim Johnson is just taking up space in DC. Epp posted Johnson’s press release that included this:
"I am extremely disappointed that Secretary Rumsfeld and the Department of Defense have failed to recognize the invaluable contribution Ellsworth Air Force Base makes to our national security, and have recommended that it be closed," Johnson said.
So what is the "the invaluable contribution Ellsworth Air Force Base makes to our national security"? Tell us Epp, and then urge Tim Johnson to go to DC and explain it to the President. That is…if you really want to do something constructive to save Ellsworth.
Then we have Chad Schuldt, another Disciple of the Dumped Daschle, getting all hot and bothered about Epp’s partisan reaction:
Today’s news runs much deeper than the future of Ellsworth Air Force Base. Everyone (or at least nearly everyone) is on the same side of that issue — they want to see Ellsworth remain open because of the postive effect it has on our state’s economy and the role it plays in our nation’s defense. To suggest otherwise is just plain malicious, and frankly, outright false. Epp gets it 100% right in this post on the issue of keeping Ellsworth open — I echo what he says.
A couple of people left some hard hitting comments in reaction to that BS from the Clear Cut Kidder. Here is what Joe said:
Isn’t it odd that not one of the reasons given to save the base was National Security? Shouldn’t the primary concern about MILITARY bases be MILITARY readiness, and not clout (which outside of washington is called bribery?
I always love it when rural states talk the talk of smaller goverment, but become addicted to federal govenrment welfare such as subsidies and military bases. Can’t the good people of South Dakota think of another way to drive an economy other than the federal government? California has lost far more bases that it proportionally should during the first 3 rounds of BRAC, and you don’t see them complaining that the sky is falling.
Then Dan said:
Much of the South Dakota blogosphere is whining and bitching that our sugar daddy — the federal government — isn’t giving us enough things.
This is feminine and emasculating.
Instead of being on our knees — supposedly trying to elect the most pleasing Senator to the powers that be — South Dakota should be focusing on building new jobs of the future in our free market.
Not trying to suck government pork.
Joe and Dan totally cleaned the clock of the Clear Cut Kidder. The Dumped Daschle Disciples expect John Thune to pull a Daschle and save Ellsworth by playing politics. We now know why Daschle turned his back on the rule of law and turned the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton into a partisan circus. Clinton took Ellsworth off the base-closing list. What was in the best interest of national security did not matter. Buying votes for Tom Daschle was more important. And Daschle showed just how grateful he was when Clinton got caught with his pants down.
If Thune does get the President to trump the Pentagon, what will the rest of America think? What will all the people who have their bases closed think about South Dakota? We are just a bunch of weak whiny wimps who could care less about what we can do for our country…we only care about what our county can do for us. That is the message America has heard about South Daktoa for 22 years from George McGovern and 26 years from Tom Daschle. That doesn’t sound like the Democrat Party I joined in 1974. And it was because of the partisan circus Daschle conducted during the Clinton impeachment trial that provided the last straw. I left the Democrat Party. Todd Epp and Chad Schuldt are just reinforcing the correctness of that decision.
The South Dakota anti-war Democrats really could care less about the military. They say that Ellsworth is important to national security, but don’t explain how. Daschle has said many times that military spending should instead be spent on socialism. Daschle’s Disciples agree. They are only whining about Ellsworth because they want to take a political shot at John Thune.
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