Toms Daschle is running around with his east coast lefties, but his remnant, former Campaign Manager Steve Hildebrand has this letter in today’s Argus Leader:
Sen. John Thune will be part of one of the most important debates looming in Washington, D.C. - what to do about Social Security. South Dakotans should pay close attention to Thune and what side he takes.
In the past, Thune voted to take money out of the Social Security trust fund to give permanent tax breaks to millionaires. Votes like that hurt South Dakota seniors and help Thune's millionaire buddies.
President George W. Bush is going to give Congress a plan to privatize Social Security, a move that would reduce benefits. Thune has always said he supports private accounts and investing Social Security in the stock market. People should speak loudly and tell Thune to save Social Security, not destroy the system that has served seniors well for many decades.
Anybody remember Tom Daschle whining about seniors dependent on Social Security have to decide between food and life-saving prescription drugs because they can’t afford both? No his campaign manager is saying Social Security "that has served seniors well for many decades".
He also lied about Thune in the second paragraph (old habits are hard to break). Here was Thune’s position on November 4, 1999 via the Congressional Record:
(Mr. THUNE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)
Mr. THUNE. Mr. Speaker, being a leader means making some tough choices. This year we have an historic opportunity to lock away 100 percent of the Social Security surplus and put an end to the practice of raiding the Social Security Trust Fund. It means we have to make a tough choice between Social Security and funding some other goals, like the President's desire to increase foreign aid spending by 30 percent.
The question is not whether we want to spend more on foreign aid or other government programs, the question is whether we want to spend more on these programs if it comes at the expense of Social Security.
Mr. Speaker, Republicans have already made our choice. We have chosen to say no to more government spending and yes to stopping the raid on Social Security. The American people agree with us. They would rather protect Social Security and Medicare and cut spending across the board for all other programs than raid Social Security again.
There is only one question that has not been answered, Mr. Speaker, and that is: Where does the President stand and where do our friend's on the other side stand? Will they block this legislation and insist on more government spending or will they join us in a bipartisan effort to end the raid on Social Security once and for all. For the sake of our future, I hope they will choose the latter.
The Daschle Democrats said no to "stopping the raid on Social Security" and yes to buying their votes with taxpayers’ money.
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