From Rush Limbaugh:
SPECTER: Well, Senator Kennedy I'm not concerned about your threats to have votes again, again, and again, and I'm the chairman of this committee, and I have heard your request, and I will consider it, and I'm not going to have you run this committee and decide when we're going to go into executive session. (Bang)
RUSH: He bangs the gavel. (Laughing.) So here it is. Imagine the fringe lib kooks are out there. Oh, they're eating this stuff, folks! This is Wheaties time. They're just out there having the biggest ball. They think this is really going to turn the tide. This is the way they want their guys to behave. They want them making utter fools of themselves, and I'm going to tell you something. For Senator Kennedy to end up making an enemy out of Arlen Specter! That's hard for a liberal Democrat to do! These guys are on the same page on so much that concerns this nomination. Abortion, you name it. I mean, Specter, he led off his whole first series of questions solely about Roe vs. Wade and abortion, the Casey case and all that, and for Kennedy here to challenge the integrity of the chairman of the committee? Ah, this is just too good.
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