Rush Limbaugh busts Good Morning America for promoting a far-left group as some non-partisan goodie two shoes:
RUSH: More Drive-By Media in action, ladies and gentlemen. I want to tell you about a group out there. You may have heard of them; you may have not. The name of the group is "Women's Voices. Women Vote." They were profiled sort of today on Good Morning America by Claire Shipman. Claire Shipman referred to the group "Women's Voices. Women's Vote," as a "nonpartisan group." Mark Finkelstein at, which is this Media Research Center's watchdog group on the liberal media, went to their website to look at biographies of their key members. He found this: "Executive Director Joe Goode comes directly from Dem Stanley Greenberg's polling and political consulting firm." He's a Democrat who worked for the Clintons. His wife is Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), a congressperson from Connecticut.
Joe Goode "formerly worked for Dem Congressman David Price of NC. VP Anna Greenberg also comes from - and is presumably related to - the Stanley Greenberg firm, and has a history of working for leftist groups including NARAL and the Economic Policy Institute. Board member Ruth Ferguson worked for the Dem speaker of the Massachusetts House of Reprentatives [sic] and worked to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. Every other officer or board member has similar deep Dem roots. The clincher? WVWV is a project of The Tides Foundation, the organization founded to promote a variety of leftist causes whose driving financial force is . . . Teresa Kerry. Some further digging reveals that WVWV is directly promoting leftist politics. On its FAQ page, WVWV suggests that people who want to get involved 'download the National Council of Women's Organizations voter's guide.'
"[Finkelstein] did, and found a predictable compendium of leftist position-mongering on everything from affirmative action to abortion. Query whether promoting a partisan voter's guide bring's WVWV's non-partisan tax-exempt status into question," but Claire Shipman presented this group as "nonpartisan."
RUSH: All right, so how is Women's Voices, Women's Vote doing it? What is their strategery. What is their focus? Well, they're basically employing, other than the assist they got today as a nonpartisan group from ABC, they're basically running a PSA campaign, and I, ladies and gentlemen, just happen to have an audio portion of a recent PSA from the group starring actress Angie Harmon, Regina King, and Felicity Huffman.
HARMON: You want me to tell you about the first time I did it?
KING: I think the best time is in the fall.
HUFFMAN: I like to do it in the morning.
KING: I told everybody, I had such a big mouth about it.
HARMON: I made a good choice.
RUSH: All right, so that's how they are appealing to single women. They're obviously talking about they want to create the illusion that they're talking about sex, and obviously at the end of the PSA or maybe with visuals, I haven't seen this thing, it is made clear they're talking about voting: "First time. I told everybody. The best time is in the fall. I like to do it in the morning. I made a good choice." So this is how these liberals think that they're going to get single women to vote. Sex. Now, I want to ask you, is this clever or is this demeaning? If it (interruption). No, those were not sex for Kerry parties. They were sex for Clinton parties. What sex for Kerry...? (interruption)
Oh, wait, wait! You're right! I'm remembering this now, and we talked about this group. Sex for votes! It was if you went and voted -- they didn't mention a specific way to vote, but they left it clear that if you went and voted or registered to vote Democrat or Kerry -- that you'd go have sex with somebody, that these women were offering themselves in sex to people that would vote for Kerry. It was a bunch of college kids, like a Rubbermaid party without the maid. We did this story on the radio talking about these people and they reacted to it, had a little fun with it. We'll have to dig that up from the archives of That's a good memory check there, H.R. Sex for Kerry parties, and now this is the way "Women's Voices. Women Votes" is appealing to all the single women out there is to titillate them with sex.
To me, it may work, who knows, but it's still demeaning. It tells me they're not interested in women voting issues. They're just relying on the fact that single women, for whatever reason, tend to vote Democrat when they vote at all.
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