From the Whalen campaign:
Bruce Whalen will have breakfast with Alveda King, Speak to 5th grade students at Hayward Elementary, attend Church Bazaars, and jam at the Rock for Life Concert in Brookings!
Bruce Whalen, Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress, is honored to have breakfast with Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, while she is in town advocating for Referred Law 6. Alveda had two abortions earlier in her life and is now a strong advocate for the Pro-life movement across the nation. The Breakfast will be from 9:00-10:00 CST at the Original Pancake House on 41st Street in Sioux Falls.
Bruce will then speak to the fifth grade students at Hayward Elementary from 12:30-1:30 CST in Sioux Falls. The students at the school will be participating in a mock election.
Later in the day, Bruce will work at the Soup and Pie Supper to raise money for the local mission at the First Reformed Church, of Sioux Falls from 4:00-5:00 CST
Following this he will shop around and meet with members of the Community Reformed Church of Sioux Falls at their annual Church Bazaar from 5:00-6:00 CST.
Bruce will finish the day at the Rock for Life Concert in Brookings at the Depuy Military Hall at SDSU sponsored by Jacks for Life. The concert will be from 7:00-9:00 CST featuring Friday Mourning (, the Good Road (unplugged), Wut Metaphysical (, Five Sorrows (, and Alakrity (
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