David Kranz devotes his column today to the issue of leadership in the South Dakota political parties. Excerpt:
Randy Frederick opted not to run again for the Republican Party job, opening it up to candidates of different political leanings. Judy Duhamel Olson also has decided to run again.
I think Judy Duhamel Olson should be Judy Olson Duhamel. And I think Olson has decided "not’ to run, at least that is what Kranz said on November 17:
Randy Frederick, Republican gatekeeper, and Judy Olson Duhamel, guardian of the Democrats, will hand over leadership roles.
Democrats already have four candidates competing for the job: former gubernatorial candidate Jack Billion of Sioux Falls, Deb Knecht of Brown County, Glen Rice of Sioux Falls and Bill Walsh of Deadwood.
Looks like the Argus Leader editors have given up on keeping Kranz straight on the facts.
Kranz also says this about the GOP leadership position:
Sen. John Thune is going to want a loud voice in the decision. He needs someone loyal to him in that job and will be paying close attention to the process. Thune needs to do some repair work with conservatives who were upset with his low visibility in the state at a time when supporters of HB 1215, the abortion ban, were looking for more help. A friendly party chair would help.
So who is Kranz promoting:
Enter Rosenthal. People who support him know he can raise money and like him for his record of winning for Republicans at all levels. His biggest disappointment probably is Sen. Jim Abdnor's 1986 loss to Rep. Tom Daschle.
Republicans also want a leader who can return to a moderate message.
So how it that going to help Thune with the conservative base? Rosenthal was very critical of HB1215. How is that fact going to help Thune with the conservative base? And how is "a leader who can return to a moderate message" going to help Thune with the conservative base? Perhaps the Argus Leader should find somebody who knows what it means to be a Republican analyze that side of the political spectrum.
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