From Rush Limbaugh:
CALLER: -- that Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe sent to the chairman of ExxonMobil. I mean I've never seen anything so practically blackmail and off the wall to imply that global warming now caused by humans is a fact and that for anybody to deny it and certainly for ExxonMobil to maybe fund some research to counter it is hurting America's position in the world, and they're going to be treated like Big Tobacco if they don't stop it.
RUSH: Well, I'm surprised that you think you've never seen this kind of what you'd call practically blackmail. This is who they are. How do you think Wal-Mart feels? How do you think Big Tobacco felt? How do you think Big Pharmaceutical feels, Big Trans-Fat, Big Sugar? You take a look at the enemies list of the American left, and it is the engine that drives the country economically, all the way up from the small businessman to big corporations. They are Stalinists. They're being totally in character. This is real liberalism, Bill. This is intimidation. This is who these people are. They've got their power now, and they're going to intimidate.
Jay Rockefeller's fortune comes from Big Oil. Jay Rockefeller wouldn't have a dime other than his Senate salary and he might not even have that, if his last name weren't Rockefeller. He wouldn't have a dime were it not for the fact that it was his grandfather, great-grandfather, whoever, John D. Rockefeller who started Big Oil in the first place. The old Standard Oil Company was broken up in the anti-trust movement of the last century. Why didn't Jay Rockefeller put his inheritance where his mouth is and donate all the money that he has inherited to these remedial efforts on global warming? I can't think of an individual in a position of power in this country who has personally benefited more from Big Oil than Jay Rockefeller.
So look at the enemies list: Exxon, Wal-Mart, Halliburton. The Democrats are socialists who seek to destroy our industries and economic system and kill jobs. "Come on, Rush! You're headed over the cliff again." No. These people want the government to be the answer to everything, folks. They want you to have to go to government to get a job; they want you to have to go to the government to get relief on prices. They want government to be where you look with praise and respect and honor. They don't want to you thanking the company for which you work, they want you hating it. They want you to think you're being screwed by the people you work for. They want you to love them.
The dirty little secret here is the left in this country is at war with blue-collar Americans, and blue-collar Americans don't even know it. You look at oil, coal, automobiles, construction, who do they think works for these enterprises they're trying to destroy? You look at Wal-Mart, who do they think the customers of Wal-Mart are? And they're trying to destroy that. There is a war. I don't think it's just because of blue-collar Americans. I think the left in this country is at war with this country. They are doing everything they can to dismantle all of the economic growth and prosperity that Ronald Reagan started in the 1980s. Look, their whole approach to illegal immigration has the effect of driving down wages, especially for minorities. They cover that up by supposedly standing for an increase in the minimum wage, but that's just a sop to the unions. Why do you think they want illegal immigrants in this country? They don't have to pay them diddly-squat, ladies and gentlemen, and that drives down wages for everybody.
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