Rush Limbaugh has this regarding Pelosi and using children as political pawns:
PELOSI: This Congress is going to be about children.
RUSH: What isn't?
PELOSI: When I receive that gavel tomorrow --
RUSH: Yes?
PELOSI: -- I will be receiving it on behalf of the children of America.
RUSH: Oh, puke.PELOSI: You've heard me say that over and over again --
CONGRESS: (Applause.)
RUSH: Puke.
PELOSI: -- and that everything we do, when we call that house to order, will be with the eye to what the impact is on our children --
RUSH: Actually, I take it back.
PELOSI: -- and on America's future, which is our children's future.
RUSH: I can't keep "bashing" her.
PELOSI: America's working women, or women working at home, whatever women choose to do, that they have friends in the Capitol of the United States. (Applause.)
RUSH: Nannies. Nannies.
PELOSI: And that they have a friend, and they have a mom in the speaker's office.
RUSH: That is just… It's beautiful, ladies and gentlemen. I think this represents a sensitivity in this office that has never before been there: a woman with the very real and sincere and unchallengeable thought that every bit of legislation that comes out of the House of Representatives from now on will be about the children. That, ladies and gentlemen, we should not take for granted.
We don't know how fortunate we are this day.RUSH: I have to explain something. I'm getting a bunch of e-mails. "Rush, why are you so snide when it comes to Pelosi saying everything is going to be done for the children." There are two reasons, folks. The first one is everything always is done "for the children" by human nature. Those of you who have kids, you work to support them. You educate them. Everything you're doing is for them. She's trying to stake out territory here as though the children are being ignored for the last 12 or 14 years or whatever. It's poppycock.
It's more of a political imagery. It's out of the Clinton playbook.For the Children. Who can oppose the children? It's like environmentalists and clean water and clean air. I mean, who's for dirty water? The way they set themselves up, if you oppose them you must be for dirty air and dirty water, must be for pollution. (If it could cure Alzheimer's I'd be in favor of pollution, by the way, and it may well be proven to do that. You never know. Madcap scientific discoveries happen each and every day.) This business of the children, it's nothing more than a trick, and it works! This is what bothers me: it works. People, they just melt. "Ohhhhh, for the children!" Even when Hugo Chavez came to the United Nations and smelled the sulfur in the room, the devil is in this place after the Bush speech, the next day he shows up at some church in Harlem somewhere, and he's surrounded by a bunch of kids sitting on his lap. "Oh, he can't be a bad man! Why, look at him. Children gravitate to this man. He loves the children and the children love him." They're just political props. The idea that people don't care about kids… it's a political notion that we have to have people care about kids because we had a bunch of people that don't is just sophistry.
And what about those 3,000 children who die in the abortion mill daily on average in America’s abortion mills?
Rush is right, Pelosi and the far-left Democrats don’t care about children. The only care about one thing themselves and power. Limbaugh also has that piece of truth from the horse’s mouth:
This is yesterday in Washington. One of these numerous brunches, lunches, cocktail parties, teas that Pelosi attended. It was an afternoon tea. Five hundred women -- it was actually a thousand-dollar a ticket fund-raiser -- and here's a portion of Pelosi's remarks.
PELOSI: I thought you were going to say when you placed my name in nomination for speaker, you said, "She will be the most powerful woman in America." Now, I want you all to join me in how I acknowledge Rosie's introduction. (Laughing) All right, let's hear it for the power.
RUSH: She had a Rosie the Riveter arm symbol next to her, so that's what Rosie's introduction is. So here's Pelosi openly acknowledging that she is the most powerful woman in America.
You can bet that Pelosi will fight hard for the power of women to kill their unborn children. For the children…BS. Only if they are faithful Democrats.
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