Tony Dean has this proudly posted on his web site:
Outdoorsman Dean appears at D.C. rally
By Staff Reports
Argus Leader
Published: March 21, 2007
A flurry of Capitol Hill activity on the subject of climate change has at least one South Dakota connection: outdoors television host Tony Dean.
Dean was one of dozens of speakers at an anti-global warming rally that he said drew more than 3,000 to the Capitol.
"I talked about the changes I've seen where I live. Light waterfowl migrations much later than historically they were," he said. "I'm an ice fisherman ... We used to open the season on Thanksgiving weekend, and that just hasn't been the case the last four, five years."
A House committee on Monday held hearings on alleged censorship of climate science, and today another committee plans to host former Vice President Al Gore and one of his most prominent critics, Bjorn Lomborg.
Note the reference to "Light waterfowl migrations" as you take a look at the introduction to an Argus Leader report in today’s issue:
In the late 1990s, U.S. and Canadian waterfowl managers took an unprecedented step to try to prevent the seasonal snow geese migration from becoming a tragedy.
They allowed hunters to shoot as many as 20 snow geese a day in a season stretching from February to May.
The liberal limit, targeting geese on their way to breed and allowing hunters to use recordings of goose calls, flew in the face of longstanding notions of fair chase and of regard for snow geese as a fragile resource. But the flock that had been growing at 5 percent a year since the 1970s was approaching an estimated 9 million birds.Those birds were overgrazing and devastating intertidal plains in the tundra, threatening their own existence. The goal was to reduce the size of the mid-continent flock by one-half within five years.
As the snow geese conclude their annual migration north through South Dakota, it appears their numbers still are creeping upward.
So it looks like the biggest danger to geese is too many, not too few. And the report evens says this:
But if the flock numbers can't be decreased by hunting or natural pressures in the Arctic - such as predators or harsh weather - biologists say measures such as poisoning might have to be employed.
Like Al Gore, Tony Dean has resorted to lies to fuel the environmentalist’s global warming myth. This is just another example of why some refer to this so-called Republican as Phony Dean.
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