Here we have Joe the Plumber being portrayed as the Patriot fighting the far-left Socialists. Note how the left attacks Joe the Plumber instead of dealing with the issue he brings forward:
There are patriots and there are socialists. The socialists seek to destroy wealth and prosperity. The patriots seek to preserve it.
Over the last week, the patriots have been fighting a brave battle, one of keeping the issue of preserving wealth at the front of the election. Forget stupid campaign shirts, retarded comments made at campaign rallies, or any other stupid event on the trail that gets 24 hour coverage. Think of the tidal wave that has been caused by Joe the Plumber. This guy has crept in to the main stream of the campaign and taken over the campaigns by storm.
The interesting thing is that Joe the Plumber isn’t just a guy who lives in Ohio, this person embodies the character of America. Joe the Plumber is everyone of us. We all want to live our own lives free from the government telling us what to do with our wealth. The invisible hand to guide us. We don’t want the "visible" hand of government telling us what to do.
Patriots are rising up at this last hour and are forcing the campaigns to get back on point. Americans do not want to hear the same old campaign crap that is spewed on television every night, they want to hear the issues that matter to them and where the candidates stand on those issues. Joe the Plumber is the patriot who brought the tax issue to the front.
As soon as a legitimate issue comes to the front though, those at the top try to take down the issue and discredit the person who brought if forth. Joe the Plumber has been dragged through the mud and discredited by those on the left. They accuse him of not paying taxes (this guy is a martyr for those on the right), not making as much money as he reports, and a slew of other allegations. Instead of actually focusing on the issue he brought up (tax policy) they discredit this guy as some stupid idiot at the bottom.
The socialists are scared. They realize that their ruse could go south if people question the information that they receive. Whether or not Joe the Plumber is in good standing with the IRS, the question here is how our next President will handle tax policy. Do not let these socialist hippies take this away from us. We need to know the facts instead of the personal history of those raising questions. We need answers from our politicians instead of mud slinging against those posing the questions. If the political system that we expect is to truly operate we must not tolerate this type of discourse.