Pat Powers has put out some information, that if true (and you never know about Powers), brings into light a very troubling political environment within the South Dakota Republican Party leadership:
Some of what I had mentioned in passing as changes happening at the GOP office seems to filtering out. Word I’m hearing from an independent source tonight that GOP Finance Director Jewel Breard is no longer with the state party as of Friday, primarily because of the actions of her husband Lee Breard.
And Pat Powers shows his sign of approval regarding this bully tactic with this:
I’d personally like to wish Jewel well in her future endeavors, and hopefully her husband’s political crusades won’t serve as a detraction for her employment again.
So if personally attacking those they disagree with doesn’t work, Pat Powers and his cohorts who are running the SD GOP will go after family members and their livelihoods. What other organizations are known to use such bullying tactics?
Pat Powers and his "No on 10" cohorts were against going after family when a citizen received no-bid contracts from the government. But they have no problem with going after a family member of one who they disagree with a spuses "political crusade". Obviously their motives are not based on principle, but instead are concerned about maintaining their power. Anybody who poses a threat to their power are publically humilated and their family members become targets. And what do they target, people's jobs. And the more government jobs these big government liberals can create, the more control they have over our lives. That is exactly what the NEA's agenda is. It is not about quality for teachers, it is about the quantity.
The next question becomes, will the leaders of the SD GOP admit to firing an employee based on political activities of a spouse. That may open the door to an issue of retribution. If the deny that, then Pat Powers needs to provide the identity of his "independent source". Of course Pat Powers will not do what he expected me to do. That would be too principled.
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