[Another Update: So I see this web site is back on the SDWC sidebar. They must think the war against the RINOs is over.]
[UPDATE:I see the chicken tyrants over at the SDWC are willing to attack those who are banned from the site and can't defend themselves. Back in the days when conservatives were winning for the SDGOP, the SDGOP went after the Argus leader for being in bed with Democrats. Now it looks the the SDGOP Establishment has made up with the Argus Leader and are having a hot love affair.]
There is an all out effort to raise South Dakota's Sales Tax 25% and put half of that extra revenue into the Medicaid program. I have been studying the latest budget proposal that Governor Daugaard introduced on Tuesday and discovered a very interesting fact. The Medicaid program's latest spending level was $647,392,976 for the year just ended June 30, 2011. The approved FY2011 budget for Medicaid was $725,656,365. The current Medicaid budget for FY2012 is $736,786,901 and the Governor is proposing $744,256,807 for FY2013. That is $96,863,831 higher than what we just got done spending! Since approximately 35 percent of that overage would be in the General Fund, we can safely say that we can cut $34 million from the proposed budget. [These facts also demonstrate that the trumpeted $127 million budget cut last year was completely bogus.]
Clearly there is no need to increase sales taxes by 25%, only to add another $90 million to the Medicaid program's General Fund. With federal match, that would mean that the South Dakota Medicaid program would increase by over $250,000,000, and in and above the already $97 million overage proposed for 2013. Yes that is a quarter of a million dollars or nearly 40% higher than what we spent in the year just ended June 30, 2011. The total overage is about $350 million or 53%.
So what is going on? Moving South Dakota Forward is the organization behind the ballot initiative to increases our sales tax by 25%. They say:
In 2011, there were approximately 114,000 people enrolled in Medicaid in South Dakota – that’s one out of every seven South Dakotans. Roughly half of all children born in our state qualify for Medicaid. We expect increasing demands on this system as the State projects Medicaid enrollment will grow to 168,100 people by 2014.
That is why they need the Medicaid program to grow by more than 50%. So why would Medicaid enrollees increase 47%, as predicted by "the State"? The answer is Obamacare. And South Dakota already implemented Obamacare during the last legislative session with SB38 and SB43. If you look at the Republican Platform Voting Scorecard, you will see that only 3 Senators voted against SB38. They were 3 of the 4 Senators who scored above 50% on the scorecard. On the House side, no Democrat voted against SB38 or SB43. 29 Republicans voted against SB38, while only 16 Republicans voted against SB43. No Senator voted against SB43 and Governor Duagaard signed both bills into law.
So it took RINOs plus all the Democrats to pass Obamacare in South Dakota, and the result is going to be higher taxes. The media will not tell the citizens these truths, and the Establishment SDGOP web site (South Dakota War College) is sheilding its readers from this web site. Seems that we have the SDGOP Establishment, far-left Democrats, and the media all protecting RINOs by suppressing truth. Why? Because they all benefit from a Big Government which benefits Big Business.
Yes we have the media helping donkeys kick the small guy in the head while RHINOs stomp them into the ground.
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