Finally we have conservative Republicans waking up to the fact that just because a candidate has a "R" after his name, does not mean they are not part of the Big Government agenda. Stace Nelson has been putting a huge amount of light on the GOP dominated South Dakota legislature and his efforts were the subject of yet another SDWC post. One of the main defenders of the SDGOP Establishment, other than Bill Fleming, has been Troy Jones. He left this comment at the SDWC:
As soon as this started, I knew how it would end. Relationships and trust is severely damaged. In a place with 105 people, burning bridges leaves one very few roads to travel.
As much as MC might think this saga can/will end, the genie is out of the bottle. He fed it. It was the issue that caused me to remove my name from the SDWC banner.
If this issue was Stace and just one of the people he has targeted, I might be open on the issue. But all these people vs. Stace. MC, you can have Stace.
Seems like there is a little discontent among the ranks of the SDGOP Establishment's blog site.
Then we have an anonymous comment that says:
The party in power runs the Exec Board and makes the rules as they see fit, period. They can do what they want, follow or disregard as they want and punish as they want. There are no “rights” in law of any kind, only promises among members that can be disregarded at will.
Obviously the idea of a tyranny is perfectly OK. And now comes the retaliation as expreseed by another anonymous comment:
I think we will witness the same this year with Mr Nelson. Granted a few of his ilk will stop and listen to him, the vast majority will stay far, far away. You can run into the proverbial wall in all your glory but you don’t serve the people who elected you when your voice (blogs don’t count) won’t be heard.
Troy Jones follows up with this:
MC says above Stace Nelson is “not a politician and has no political ambition.”
Stace Nelson says above those he helped will have a new report card for the 2012 primary and he is going to give tbem ammunition.
War has been declared on the GOP caucus that resisted a tax increase and cut state spending 10%. MC and Sibby appear ready to be the gun runners. We will see if it turns out to be a “Fast and Furious” type program or not.
By the way MC, my comment is you fed the issue here using the SDWC brand given to you in stewardship. You make it clear you are supportive of Nelson as you continually give credence and have made no effort to get the otherside. Plus you use your administrator privilege and pass the info onto him.
Oh so the SDWC brand has marching orders? If you want the power, you have to play by the Establishment's rules. And the idea that there will be accountability placed on the legislators' voting record does not seem to welcomed. Troy claims the GOP caucus resisted tax increases, but the Scorecard includes increase in car registration fees whose veto was overridden by the GOP dominated Legislature. And cutting spending by 10%? Troy must not have read the truth about the spending acually increasing thanks to the SDGOP happily spending Obama's so-called stimulus.
Stace Nelson's response included this:
This is probably the worst example of the sickness within the Republican Party, that I have seen. It is a perfect example of the problems some of us face in Pierre. The arrogant few who think that THEY have dominion over the party even to the point of going against the party platform that grass roots SD Republicans enact.
This anonymous comment provides insight into how the Establishment types view conservatives:
The story here is basically the Tea Party Establishment is accusing the GOP establishment. The real story is the demise of the South Dakota Tea Party. Don’t they see it? Stacey and friends need to look around and notice the scant attendance at their Tea Party meetings and that only libertarian, Paulbot and Bircher activists remain. The rest of us left. It’s pathetic. Who voted for the 912 Glenn Beck Circlejerk for Liberty sector of the South Dakota Tea Party to become our philosophical purity police? I didn’t.
Not suprosed to see Democrat activist Bill Fleming responds to that with this:
Wow. Good post. Sobering.
Then this anonymous response to Fleming:
God I hate it when Flemming and I are on the same side!
And Troy Jones says:
Me too. Bill too. When we agree, Bill and I each look out the window just to make sure there still is a sun.
The reality is that if a member of the GOP sees themselves aligned with Bill Fleming, they need to understand that they may be a RINO. But Troy Jones spins with the typical personal attacks that are common among the Big Government tyrants from both political parties:
According to Stacey Nelson and Bob Ellis, I am a liberal and a RINO.
And they have told have told me to either think like them or become a Democrat.
Unfortunately, I dont think they want me either. So I am thinking about becoming eithea Mason (if I can drive one of those litte cars in parades) or a Knight of Columbus (oopsI am a Knight).
So J rae, they dont demand I think like them. Tbat is an oxymoron since they don’t think. They want me to hate like them. They are good at hate.
Then Troy Jones brings up the issue that the leaders of the both parties need to protect in order to bring on their New World Order...illegal immigration:
This issue started all because a few people believed it would be automatic to pass their vision to deal with illegal immigration. When it got crushed in committee 11-2 and their smoke-out petition got crushed with only 19 votes, they decided they were going to “smoke-out” those who disagreed with them.
Then, it appears they selected 20 bills that would “show” their GOP opponents in the worst light (I really don’t believe the midwife/birthing centers et. al. bills are significant but only needed to get the results they want) in a “report card” shrouded by misinterpreting/manipulating the GOP platform to claim “Republican purity,” a tactic they appear to be borrowing from liberal nut job Saul Alinsky.
My point: Saul Alinsky never cries uncle. He just napalms the environment until they “win.”
Funny how these Big Government activists believe that everyone uses their tactics too. What Troy does not understand is that he is on the same side as the Marxist Demcorats who want more oppressed "illegals" to join their communist revolution. What are the RINOs doing in bed with the "illegals". Cheap labor?
But Troy is not done. Here he goes into full spin mode:
Here is our situation as I see it.
1) We have certain Republicans who have a particular outlook and agenda and believe that certain issues define which Republicans are “real Republicans” based on these issues and the rest are Republicans In Name Only. They give the following bills the 30% of the weight in defining Republicanism. Taxes, Agriculture, jobs, spending. NADA!
a) Regulation of midwives.
b) Allow birthing centers
c) Permissable excuse for missing school
d) History Standards
e) Grandparents Rights
f) Custody rights2) They also advocate certain reforms in the Legislative process they believe will aid them in “outing” those they believe are RINO’s.
3) They are willing to introduce bills that support their agenda for the purpose of impacting those they believe are RINO’s (obstensibly in primaries?).
4) They are frustrated that the GOP leadership does not endorse their efforts and agenda and characterize all who oppose them as “RINO” or “defenders of the establishment.”
5) And, in their frustration they cry “corruption” and other inferences of malfeasance.
Protecting your livestock with your Second Amendment Right is not important to Ag? So RINOs think fees are not taxes, so it is OK to raise them? We need to let the New World Order plan the economy and we need to be thankful to them for our jobs? Sounds like a recipe for tyranny to me. And corruption? Where else would you go with those who support "illegals"? How much of that issue was the 70% that Troy did not detail?
But his Big Government propaganda inspired a fellow RINO named "anooner" to say this:
I would go watch that if it was closer to home, however Lust, Turb., etc are not going to show. Nothing for them to gain personally or for the party. While I only know Rep. Nelson from his incessant and unrelenting blogging, my guess is he would use this opportunity primarily for grandstanding and fist-pounding. When I mention months ago that I found his constant blogging in bad form, I became a “truth-hater” or “unamerican” etc. Didn’t really expect him to tone it down based on what I said, but thought someone in his own party could reach and tell him to cool it. Guess not. Now he has locked horns with his own leadership which is surprising, and has done so without much tact or forethought. You have heard of moose who lock horns in a rut and can’t get unlocked. They eventually just laydown and die. If Stace can get himself unlocked from this one he best just wander off into the woods and rest up. If this whole thing was brought on in part bc of his indignation over a crap immigration bill not getting out of committee, he needs to toughen up. The thing probably died in committee because clearer minds recognized issues of enforcement, practical considerations and unintended consequences. It is sometimes know as a broader perspective, the big picture or even vision. But in a black and white world, the people who snuffed that bill and others are “bad rebulicans”. Stace, did it ever occur to you that the other legislators have consistuents also, and they are trying to represent their interests, and not just Stace’s agenda. Your problem is you take things too personally. You don’t need to respond to every comment on every blog. Lastly, I made the little WWF parody, to hopefully entertain a little bit, but also mirror the absurdity of where this whole thing has taken us.
Again, illegal immigration comes up. Of course Troy Jones (Mr. they hate, we love) is all too happy to agree with this insult put forward by the anonymous chicken:
Great analogies.
It has been my position from the beginning this “issue” is wholly influenced by the lack of support the immigration bill got among the caucus and a view anyone who disagrees with them is not a “real Republican.”
Since I’ve seen no evidence this faction will relent on these positions (especially the latter), I’m fearful this could be a fight to the end.
Hey Troy, ever think that anybody who compromises America's rule of law as not being a real American, let alone a real Republican? So we are to drop the American boundaries and become part of the New World Order? Why else is it that the leadership of both political parties support "illegals"? What part of "illegal" does the leaderships of both political parties not understand?
Mr. Sibby.
THIS is the perfect example of why we need you in Pierre. If you don't want to serve as an elected person, then serve as a citizen lobbyist/analist. Go forth and help Mr. Nelson and those who want to shine lights into dark places. Just please make sure you do more damage to the Ds than the Rs, my good sir. And I owe you a breakfast the next time I'm on my way to Sioux Falls.
Posted by: grudznick | December 21, 2011 at 09:24 PM
Don't you think the South Dakota Dems are hurting bad enough already?
Posted by: Steve Sibson | December 22, 2011 at 01:19 PM
How about thinking and debating issues instead of relying on innuendo, adhominem attackes and name calling?
Or being specific expressing where my summary assessment is wrong.
This said, I wish you a Merry Christmas. He has come to live among us. Thanks be to God
Posted by: Troy Jones | December 24, 2011 at 03:59 PM
"borrowing from liberal nut job Saul Alinsky"
That summary assessment is wrong, and would fit into "innuendo, adhominem attackes and name calling". How does the shoe fit on the left foot Troy?
Posted by: Steve Sibson | December 27, 2011 at 03:28 PM
Sibby, then just correct where my summary is incorrect.
Posted by: troy jones | December 28, 2011 at 11:30 AM