Bill Clay, the stand in for SDGOP Establishment blogger Pat Powers, provides this analysis:
But what truly bugs me is that certain members of the Tea Party (Gordon Howie) have been so focused on primarying Republicans they see as unfit that they allowed three Democrats to go unchallenged. I would have loved it if the energy behind Gordon Howie and his ”Tea Party” would have gone to recruit a paltry three candidates to challenge the three unchallenged Democrats rather than focus all of their energy on creating primaries for incumbent Republicans.
The Tea Party is a great movement across this country, but some of its leaders in South Dakota have become severely misguided when it comes to understanding which indviduals truly oppose the causes they espouse.
Mr. Clay, those three Democrats support the SDGOP platform more often than the Republicans who have primaries. I would have left a comment, but I am not allowed in the SDWC "big tent". And if the SDGOP leadership believe those three Dems are a problem, why don't they find someone to run?
And conservatives are not running against RINOs in order to give them more power. The Dems are not the ones running Pierre right now, unless you want to argue the SDGOP leadership are the same as Dems. OK, go ahead and make that argument.
When will these partisan party activists learn to think, instead of blindly believing...if it is a "R", it has to be good. Set down the Kool Aid you received from the far-left SDGOP Establishment leaders and begin using your brain for what it was designed to do.
♫Just singin' in the rain; just singin' in the rain♫
Posted by: larry kurtz | March 29, 2012 at 06:50 PM