This element of the Newtown shootings is hardy even touched by the media in America:
The 20-year-old gunman was said to have been addicted to violent lifelike video battle games that he played at the large suburban home where he lived alone with his mother, the first victim of his shooting spree.
So Bibles are banned in our schools while kids learn how to kill with computer simulators. Why are we surprised when a 20-year-old takes his battle to a gun-free zone, wher he is assured of raking up the most points? Sadly, gun bans prevent teachers form protecting themselves and fellow citizens, including children, from this evil recipe. And all the media and the Obama left can talk about is the need to disarm the rest of us in order to prevent such evil acts from happening again.
In a postmodern world where there is no absolutes, what is insane and what is not is determined by either the state or the majority. In America, the media forms attitudes, that when become more than 50%, result in powers given to the state. For those of us you add truth to the equation, we see through the irrationality of this world and understand that it is a world that has killed God that is the source of insanity that reared its ugly head in Newtown.
Due to the irrational media, one who argues that the solution is to put guns into the hands of teachers until enough of America has grown up with Bibles in their hands, is considered the nut case by the majority who has the power to something about such people. The indoctrinated majority will insist that the state take away our freedoms, and not let gun nuts have their way any longer. The postmodern world wants to remove objects that can be used to carry out the evil reality that it is inculcating. What the irrational mind fails to understand is that the state will be the exclusive holders of the objects that can be used to carry out evil ways. All we need to do is look at the millions killed during the 20th century due to power that the people allowed to be centralized into totalitarian regimes. Who said, if you don't learn from history, we are going to repeat it?
UPDATE: More UK reporting that you will not see much of in the America media that is protecting the reputation of the state's "sacred" schools:
Adam Lanza belonged to a technology club at Newtown High School that held computer gaming parties.
UDPATED: Details from another UK report:
Chillingly, his favourite video game was said to be a shockingly violent fantasy war game called Dynasty Warriors which is thought to have given him inspiration to act on his darkest thoughts.
That's an impressive buck, just beacsue I'm the one who shot it!! It was shot on nov. 12th of 08. He green scored at 187 b c. the inside spread was 25 1/8 and the biggest circumference was 8 3/4. He was officially scored as an 9 x 11. I got him around the goose lake area. The taxidermy work, unbelievable, was done at TENNIS TAXIDERMY. He looks pretty impressive hanging on my living room wall.Posted by: jeff lantgen
Posted by: Shane | December 29, 2012 at 04:21 AM