Want to increase teacher pay without adding more taxes? Then start with eliminating social engineering from our schools. Most don't know that the kids are being taught that they can determine their gender, regardless of what is taught in biology, in our public schools:
Fox News contributor Tammy Bruce slammed a Maine school's controversial use of a book about a transgender girl as "social engineering" on the part of teachers in an April 22 "Fox and Friends" interview.
Bruce, who is a lesbian, discussed the controversy surrounding Kittery's Horace Mitchell Primary School. The school has come under fire in recent days after a lesson implemented by the guidance department for kindergarteners through third grade incorporated the book I Am Jazz. Penned by Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings, I Am Jazz documents the experience of a young child "with a boy's body but a girl's brain" and her journey towards accepting her transgender identity.
Jennings, who has been the subject of an Oprah Winfrey documentary and will be the star of the forthcoming reality series, "All That Jazz," is a 14-year-old activist who reportedly identified as transgender before she entered kindergarten.
The agenda is abusive to children:
Can you think of anything more cruel than telling a five-year-old boy who likes Lady Gaga that he might have gender dysphoria? Or telling a nine-year-old tomboy who hates Barbie and loves Beckham that she might really be male – in spirit – and therefore she should think about putting off puberty and possibly transitioning to her ‘correct gender’?
Saying such things to kids who are only doing what kids have done for generations – messing about, discovering their identity – turns playfulness into a pathology. It convinces boys who aren’t boyish and girls who aren’t girly that they must have some great gender problem, a profound inner turmoil that their tiny minds must address, when in truth they’re just having fun. What an awful trick to play on children.
The social engineers even use drugs to implement their agenda:
The NHS now prescribes puberty-blocking drugs to so-called trans kids when they turn 10 or 11. This seems especially cruel, to deny children that tough but essential transitionary period, that biological burst that turns girls into women and boys into gruff-voiced scallywags who might one day mature into men. We do not ask 10-year-olds to make major decisions in relation to their schooling, where they live, smoking or sex; and yet we now invite them to make the terrifying existential choice to offset adulthood itself, to keep their hormones locked in limbo, to determine what sex they are. What a terrible burden to put on a human being who probably isn’t allowed to walk to the shop on his own or to stay up past 9pm.
And parents who allow this experiment to be conducted on their children are irresponsible:
The treatment of non-conforming or plain funny kids as ‘transgender’ strikes me as a stunning abdication of adult responsibility. It is the job of adults to correct childish confusions, to guide kids through weird or rough patches, and ensure, to the best of our abilities, that they come out the other end as rounded, hopefully happy adults. But now, the cult of relativism runs so deep that adults even balk from making that most basic of all judgements – that a child with a penis is a boy and a child with a vagina is a girl – and instead we accommodate to the child’s own fads and silliness.
This explains what is going on at Cory Heidelberger's Madville:
There’s one more, seriously dark element to the promotion of the ‘trans kids’ phenomenon: it’s being pushed by adult trans activists as a way of pursuing their own interests and agenda. More and more trans campaigners are using ‘trans kids’ effectively as a moral shield, hoping that if they can convince the world that transgenderism is something that emerges as early as three or four then it must be natural, good, healthy, and thus should be insulated from criticism.
That is, they’re effectively experimenting on children, both socially and medically, both through filling kids’ heads with nonsense about dysphoria and offering them drugs, in order to advance their own adult demands for greater recognition. This is repulsive, the creation of a new generation of castratos who are paraded and praised in public by self-serving trans activists who only want more political clout and respect. Stop it. Let kids be kids.
This is a political agenda that is using taxpayers' money to abuse children in our public schools. And it is coming from the top, not from the grass roots as is deceptively promoted:
State officials in North Carolina and Virginia are defending in federal court a local school board’s policy requiring children to use private bathrooms and locker rooms if they don’t want to use the facilities designated for their biological sex. And parents in Wisconsin seem to have won a temporary reprieve from having their grade-schoolers read the gender-confused missive “I Am Jazz” to “help” children understand a classmate who insists he has a “girl brain and a boy body.”
The Obama administration has made it clear it will put the weight of the federal government behind the aggressors in these conflicts by recently threatening to yank funds from Virginia and Illinois public schools that asked biological boys to dress and shower privately or in the boy’s facilities instead of next to girls.
And this is begans decades abot by perverts:
Let’s look back and unmask the founders who started the gender madness we see infiltrating into our public schools today. As I detail in “Paper Genders,” changing boys into girls started in the perverted minds of three abhorrent pedophile activists from the 1950s who were at the forefront of promoting a movement for sexual and gender experimentation:
- Alfred Kinsey, a “violently masochistic masturbation addict” who advocated sex between adult men and young boys and became a leading sexology professor.
- Harry Benjamin, an endocrinologist and sexologist who first coined the term “transsexual” in 1954 and for whom the transgender Standards of Care were originally named. Benjamin praised and publicly endorsed his close friend René Guyon, a well-known pedophile.
- John Money, a psychologist and pioneer of gender reassignment surgery and friend of Benjamin, who falsified his research and told his patients, young boys, to play sex games with each other and photographed them.
South Dakota should not increase its sales tax in order to fund this agenda:
Public schools are becoming centers for gay, lesbian, and gender-pretender activists and only secondarily fulfilling their purpose as institutions for sound academics. The laws are being interpreted far beyond the original intent of non-discrimination based on gender to where they protect gender pretenders at the expense of the rights of non-trans kids. Gender pretenders are assured access to every school facility and program available to the opposite gender, up to and including girls-only dressing rooms and showers.
Every child’s rights to privacy and protection from exposure to inappropriate opposite-sex nudity are now in jeopardy. According to these new legal interpretations, if you like your gender and want to keep your gender that’s fine, but you cannot keep your freedom, rights, or protections in public-school dressing rooms or restrooms. The current conflict of interest playing out in school locker rooms between girls born as girls and the self-acknowledged gender pretender trans-kids is real and it is not funny. Non-trans students have lost their right to privacy and parents have lost the freedom to parent and protect their children.
The social engineers use decpetion to promte lies as truth. And they need a lot of money to fund their poropaganda. Their purpose is to create confusion and a chaotic society. The transgenders are victimes in all of this. They are victims of child abuse being implemented in our public schools.
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