Three weeks ago Cory Heidelberger made the absurd argument that he is a Christian atheist:
I don’t believe in any God, Christian or otherwise. However, I acknowledge that a bunch of people created a body of Judaic Scripture with a lot of stories and principles for living. I also acknowledge that a Jew named Jesus from Nazareth gave up carpentry, identified some flaws in that Old Testament, and won over enough followers to create a New Testament. Those two Testaments have shaped and continue to shape the civilization in which I live and think.
I thus propose a possibly provocative description: I am an atheist Christian. Or should I say Christian atheist?
On a post where Cory responded to the Charlottesville violence by throwing more gas (hatred) on the fire, he made this comment:
To David’s point about the incompatibility of Christianity and bigotry:
Second, this is a time to present the Bible’s strong and clear teachings about the sin of racism and of the idolatry of blood and country—again, full stop. In Acts 17:26, in the midst of an evangelistic lecture to secular, pagan philosophers, Paul makes the case that God created all the races “from one man.” Paul’s Greek listeners saw other races as barbarian, but against such views of racial superiority Paul makes the case that all races have the same Creator and are of one stock. Since all are made in God’s image, every human life is of infinite and equal value (Gen. 9:5–6). When Jonah puts the national interests of Israel ahead of the spiritual good of the racially “other” pagan city of Nineveh, he is roundly condemned by God (Jonah 4:1–11). One main effect of the gospel is to shatter the racial barriers that separate people (Gal. 3:28; Eph. 2:14–18), so it is an egregious sin to do anything to support those barriers. When Peter sought to do so, Paul reprimanded him for losing his grasp on the gospel (Gal. 2:14) [Tim Keller, “Race, the Gospel, and the Moment,” The Gospel Coalition, 2017.08.15].
Click the link and read Pastor Keller’s first and third points, too. Important points for all Christians.
So yeah, Nazis aren’t Americans or Christians.
So I agree that bigotry and Nazis do not fit a true Biblical Christian worldview. But it is interesting that Cory would post the Christian principle that "every human life is of infinite and equal value " and not denounce his pro-abortion policy positions. Cory is an atheist, which allows him to be like a god, and be the arbitrator of what is right and wrong and not able to follow a true Biblical Christian worldview. That means he lacks discernment.
Second, Cory may not know that the Muslim Brotherhood's agenda of Islamist Supremacy is also Neo-Nazi:
The Muslim groups which today threaten the West with terrorism, subversion and insurgency are not only “fascist” in the broad sociological sense, but can trace their literal historical origins to Nazism and its genocidal ambitions.
The ideology of the Islamists whose ranks today include not only al-Qaeda but also Hamas and Hezbollah, originated with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in 1928 by Sheikh Hassan al-Banna. The Muslim Brotherhood finds not just its roots, but much of its symbolism, terminology, and political priorities deep within the heart of Nazi fascism.And...
The first big step in the international jihad al-Banna envisioned came in the form of trans-national terrorism during the Great Arab Revolt of 1936-39, when one of the most famous of the Muslim Brotherhood’s leaders, the Hajj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti (Supreme Muslim religious leader) of Jerusalem, incited his followers to a three-year war against the Jews in Palestine and against the British who administered the Palestine Mandate. In 1936 the Brotherhood had about 800 members, but by 1938, just two years into the Revolt, its membership had grown to almost 200,000, with fifty branches in Egypt alone. By the end of the 1930s, there were more than a half million active members registered, in more than 2,000 branches across the Arab world.
To achieve that broader dream of a global jihad, the Brotherhood developed a network of underground cells, stole weapons, trained fighters, formed secret assassination squads, founded sleeper cells of subversive supporters in the ranks of the army and police, and waited for the order to go public with terrorism, assassinations, and suicide missions. It was during this time that the Muslim Brotherhood found a soul mate in Nazi Germany.
The Reich offered great power connections to the movement, but the relationship brokered by the Brotherhood was more than a marriage of convenience. Long before the war, al-Banna had developed an Islamic religious ideology which previewed Hitler’s Nazism. Both movements sought world conquest and domination. Both were triumphalist and supremacist (in Nazism the Aryan must rule, while in al-Banna’s Islam, the Muslim religion must hold dominion). Both advocated subordination of the individual to a central power. Both were explicitly anti-nationalist in the sense that they believed in the liquidation of the nation-state in favor of a trans-national unifying community. And both rabidly hated the Jews and sought their destruction.
As the Brotherhood’s political and military alliance with Nazi Germany developed, these parallels facilitated a full-blown alliance, with all the pomp and panoply of formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt as well as sub rosa joint ventures. Al-Banna’s followers easily transplanted into the Arab world a newly Nazified form of traditional Muslim Jew-hatred, with Arab translations of Mein Kampf (translated into Arabic as My Jihad) and other Nazi anti-Semitic works, including Der Sturmer hate-cartoons, adapted to portray the Jew as the demonic enemy of Allah.
So I join in with those who argue that the white supremacy is wrong, but so are the cultural Neo-Marxist Social Justice Warriors and the ecumenical inter-faith Islamic sympathizers who are, perhaps unknowingly, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood's Ne0-Nazi mission to establish a global caliphate that will establish Islamist supremacy. The left also promotes hate via their race baiting. The Muslim Brotherhood has coopted the Black Lives Matter movement, so that they can use the left's race baiting for themselves:
In a speech delivered to the Annual MAS-ICNA (Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America) Convention in December 2015, Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), urged Muslim Americans to take up the cause of Black Lives Matter. “Black Lives Matter is our matter,” he said; “Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”
At the same conference, Khalilah Sabra, another activist, told the Muslim audience, “Basically you are the new black people of America… We are the “community that staged a revolution across the world. If we could do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?” “That revolution” is apparently a reference to the “Arab Spring” revolutions which were inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood and which brought death and destruction to wide swaths of the Middle East and North Africa.
Do CAIR and other activist groups merely want to support Black Lives Matter, or do they hope to recruit blacks to their own cause? In 2014, ISIS used the protests and clashes in Ferguson, Missouri as an opportunity to attempt to recruit blacks to radical Islam. But ISIS is a known terrorist organization while CAIR, despite its shady history, is considered by many to be a moderate, mainstream Muslim organization. Thus, if it wanted to convert blacks, it would presumably want to convert them to a moderate version of Islam.
Or would it? According to Paul Sperry and David Gaubatz, the authors of Muslim Mafia, the supposedly moderate CAIR acts like an underworld cospiracy. In fact, it (along with numerous other prominent Muslim groups) was named by a U.S. court as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist funding case. In addition, CAIR has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates. Moreover, CAIR is a direct outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is also listed as a terrorist group by the UAE, as well as by Egypt and Saudi Arabia. That’s the same Muslim Brotherhood that fomented the “Arab Spring” revolutions, the likes of which Khalilah Sabra wants to bring to America.
Cory Heidelberger has supported the work of Taneeza Islam, who worked for CAIR-MN and also was the Youth Coordinator for the Islamic Society of North America. [Note: if you go to the link Taneeza gave the South Dakota Democratic Party $750 on 3/23/2017] ISNA is also a Muslim Brotherhood front and here is what happened at their recent convention:
Islamic activist Linda Sarsour, co-chair of the 2017 women’s march, says she is “outraged” every single morning when she wakes up and remembers who is in the White House, referring to the president of the United States, Donald Trump. Speaking to the Islamic Society of North America, she recently made several astonishing statements, the totality of which can leave a person with the impression that Sarsour is inciting sedition from Muslims in America.
Time magazine came to her defense, accusing conservatives of misquoting her and making too much out of her speech. Sorry, Time, I’m not buying your excuses. I am a Christian immigrant from Iraq. We know what Muslim agitation and radicalization looks like and where it leads. Sarsour knew full well how what she said would affect the particular community she was speaking to. This was no women’s march, this is a talk to the Muslim community, in which she chastises those who would accept our government peacefully.
What Sarsour said, whom she spoke to to, and how she spoke should alert us to the three tactics radicalizers like Sarsour want to use to incite the Muslim community. One, keeping Muslim communities isolated and unassimilated: “Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our community, it is not to assimilate and please any other people and authority” (emphasis mine).
Two, by stoking outrage within the Muslim community, and using the progressive Left’s rhetoric: “We are struggling against tyrants and rulers…here in these United States of America where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House… We as a Muslim community in these Unites States of America have to be perpetually outraged” (emphasis mine).
Third, alluding to the garden-variety terrorist acts that we have witnessed around the world: “Our top priority and even higher than all those other priorities is to please Allah and only Allah” (emphasis mine).
Note that Sarsour does not believe Muslims should assimilate and become Americans, but they should still have the right to be "perpetually outraged" at the United States and then states the supremacy of Allah. We all need to realize that her mission is to establish a Neo-fascist tyrant...a Muslim Brotherhood global caliphate.
Clearly Cory's anti-Trump rhetoric is in lock step with Linda Sarsour's hate speech. They both hate the President. So that means Cory is in bed with Neo-Nazi Islamist supremacists who are violent thugs fueled by bigotry and hatred. That marriage is driven by the multi-culturist principle that is based on his cultural Neo-Marxist worldview, that has been indoctrinated within America's education system.
Like Cory said, bigots and Nazis are not Christian nor American. Cory thinks he is a Christian atheist, but he is not really a Christian, unless you want to call him a Christian heretic. Cory's attempt to portray himself as a Christian is mockery and demonstrates just how much he hates Christians. He allows comments that demonstrate hatred toward Christians, as he bans Christians who are trying to unite by showing that both sides are wrong. It is sad to watch Senator Stace Nelson personally attacked on Heidelberger's so-called free press web site for making that same argument. It is also a fascist act by Cory to prevent me from supporting Nelson by not supporting free speech by blocking my attempts to comment.
I should note that a few weeks ago I warned Cory about Taneeaz Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood's agenda and that those of us who issue such warnings are not attacking "all Muslims". That is just some more Muslim Brotherhood Neo-Nazi fascist propaganda to hide their real agenda...the establishment of Sharia Law under a global caliphate. I also told Cory that denigrating those who are trying to expose the Muslim Brotherhood agenda by calling us Islamophobes is part of the problem:
The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad -- who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT's ideology -- now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them.
Even after my attempt to have a respectful dialogue with Cory on this issue, he continues to use the word Islamophobe, continues to ban my participation on his web site, and has stopped responding to my emails. These are all acts that fit a Neo-Nazi supremacist attitude.
His claims to being a patriotic America are also false. The so-called progressive left, the Anglo-Saxon supremacists (globalists), and the Islamists supremacists have a common destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America. The President is obligated to protect this nation from its enemies. Just because Neo-Nazis agree with that goal, does not make the President a Neo-Nazi. Unfortunately, hatred make people like Cory Heidelberger illogical.
As a Neo-Marxist, Cory is working with those who want to destroy the American nation-state in order to establish a trans-national Islamic community. Cory is on Team Jihad:
But leftists sometimes show their hand, speaking with unaccustomed candor about why they sympathize with Islamic supremacism, jihad, and sharia.
Now imprisoned in France, Venezuelan arch-terrorist Ilyich Ramirez Sanchez, a.k.a. Carlos the Jackal, is both a Marxist and a Muslim convert who hates America. "Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the U.S.," he counsels. Bringing down the oppressive, imperialist United States is “the highest goal of humanity.”
And only Islam can generate enough "volunteers" for suicide attacks against the United States, Carlos asserts in his book, Revolutionary Islam (Editions du Rocher, 2003). He argues for "the destruction of the United States through an orchestrated and persistent campaign of terror." Posing as a humanitarian, he posits that terrorism is "the cleanest and most efficient form of warfare" because the killing of civilians undermines the enemy's morale and ultimately saves the lives of many by bringing the conflict to aswift end.
Carlos claims to have advised Osama bin Laden to forge alliances with "all guerrilla, terrorist, and other revolutionary groups throughout the world, regardless of their religious or ideological beliefs."
Muslims love Carlos right back, according to jihadist journalist Ali Osman Zor. “We believe that bin Laden, like our commander Mirzabeyoglu and our soul-mate Carlos the Jackal, is one of the architects of the new world that will be built following the triumph of Islam.”
Al-Qa’eda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri also agrees with Carlos that jihadists should be willing to work with anybody. He told followers in 2002 to seek allies among "any movement that opposes America, even atheists.
Jihadists’ willingness to work with atheists is striking because atheism is particularly objectionable to Islam. It is punishable by death under sharia and in at least 13 majority-Muslim countries.
Once they become successful at destroying the sovereignty of America, a one-world government can then be established. If you think the fight in Charlottesville was bad, imagine what it will be like when the Anglo-Saxon supremacists (globalists) fight with the Islamist supremacists over who will control that one-world government. It could very well be a major blood bath. Too bad for Cory that he picked that side that will punish him by death for being a Christian atheist. We can always pray that he will come to his senses and understand both sides are wrong.
Your obsession with Cory is evidence of multiple pathologies, Steve. Having said that there is copious evidence that Cory is a jerk and Jesus of Nazareth was a real guy but there is none that confirms the existence of a creator.
Posted by: larry kurtz | August 22, 2017 at 02:11 PM