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January 18, 2018


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larry kurtz

christianity is headed to the dustbin of history whether you like it or not, Sib.

Fact is: the best way to a strong two party system in South Dakota is for arch-conservatives to launch a third party. South Dakota's most ardent earth haters are still looking for principled conservatives to run in statewide elections. Neal Tapio and Lora Hubbel could be those candidates.



Your research is making an impact, many people have taken notice. Keep it up.

larry kurtz

Wow, Steve: catholic hypocrite Lee Schoenbeck is calling Neal Tapio a nutcase yet he gets a pass here? I thought you were an equal opportunity researcher but apparently your position in Pat Powers' sidebar makes you just as much an earth hater as they are.

SD Concerned Citizen

Steve have you picked a candidate for Governor yet or house yet?

I tend to ignore the fellow who has been banned everywhere from out of state. He does not represent South Dakota values and needs to leave his bedbugs at home before he ever crosses our border again. Those poor hotel owners had to clean up quite a mess after he stayed there.

larry kurtz

Muslim Hani Shafai is holding a fundraiser for Dusty Johnson.

So, if United Van Lines is reporting upticks with little effect on the voter rolls the military might be driving part of the inbound demographic and Ellsworth is furloughing personnel because of the Trump Shutdown. How will that affect voter preferences, Sib?

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