Now we have the real motivation behind a knife attack at the Mall of America last November:
On Thursday, 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two men at the Mall of America.
The incident occurred on Nov. 12, where authorities say he stabbed two brothers in a dressing room at the mall's Macy's.
At the plea hearing Thursday, Abdiraham's attorney read a statement — which is public record — to the courtroom, which explained why he attacked the two men.
In the statement, Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America to answer the "call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State."
The statement added, "I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah."
Abdiraham also said in the statement that Americans will not be safe as long as "your country is at war with Islam."
Omar Jamal, an activist with a Somali watchdog group, said he is aware of the statement.
"This is a widespread sentiment with Somali youth," he said.
Clearly this is an act of war and an example of what the left calls a hate crime.
Here is why leftists like Cory Heidelberger wants to bring that problem to South Dakota:
How is it, though, that two seemingly opposing groups could come together? It is because "communists, leftists and progressive operatives see Judeo-Christian principles as a force for ill in the world" and want them eliminated. Likewise, jihadists have vowed to destroy Western civilization. Consequently, "this shared antipathy to the traditional religious values that inspired and nurtured Western civilization, allow Islam and the left to make common cause."
This Red-Green axis was strengthened as America's Intelligence Community's ability to "protect against propaganda whether of the communist or taqiyya varieties" has been severely weakened.
The real story of Russian influence into our world is routinely overlooked. Yet the "ties between Western leftists and jihadists who were recruited, trained and, in some cases... managed by the Soviet Union and the KGB has led to a decades-long collaboration that for too long operated mostly in the shadows." Declassified information like the Mitrokhin Archive and the Venona Papers have "illuminated how communist agents stoked the flames of Islamic terrorism and infiltrated deeply inside the ranks of the U.S. government."
Thus, America finds itself confronting "cultural Marxists and jihadis now working hand-in-hand to demean our culture, destroy the nuclear family, trash the nation's heritage and undermine non-Muslim religious communities." And this is being underwritten by the "left's wealthy donors and foundations." Their "shared loathing for America" and the Constitution has resulted in millions of dollars going towards weakening America.
Specifically, Matthew Vadum highlights the following by which the Red-Green Axis works to weaken American resolve.
- Psychological warfare whose primary tools are 'name-calling, intimidation, and the suppression of facts.'
- Campaigns to make our culture 'Islam-friendly while weakening American resolve to fight Islamic supremacism and the terrorism it deploys.'
- The Left's insistence that any terror problem is with us, not with Islam and the demand that 'Americans should change their culture to accommodate the new arrivals.'
Vadum further explains that the alliance between leftists and Muslims is nothing new. In fact, as far back as 652 A.D. a companion of Muhammad urged "coercive redistribution" and today "two sworn enemies, Marxism... and Islam, have made a Devil's bargain, whereby each assists the other against a common enemy,... the Christian West."
And the psychological warfare includes the use of the denigrating label "Islamophobe":
No word conjures more concern than the mere accusation of "Islamophobia" which makes jihadists untouchable since the "media-academic-entertainment complex largely sanitizes Islam, presenting it as a benign, misunderstood religion" which can never be analyzed or criticized.
The "extreme-left Center for Constitutional Rights… is just one of many radical activist groups using American tax laws against [the United States]." Thus, the "use of non-profit organizations establishes a zone of legitimacy within which fundraising recruitment and even outright planning can occur." Consequently, our country has become a "primary base of Islamic terrorist operations."
The Red-Green Axis groups are seemingly "odd bedfellows" unless one understands that their respective ultimate goal is to "bring America to its knees." In fact, "just like our Soviet Communist enemies during the Cold War, Muslims are using Americans' goodness and their sense of fair play, including an aversion to being accused of racial stereotyping, against America." Although Islam is not a race, "smears do not necessarily have to make sense" in the world of extreme political correctness.
It behooves every American to understand that "it isn't Islamophobia when they really are trying to kill you." There is nothing irrational regarding genuine concerns about enemies who vow to annihilate America. Yet, "major foundation-funded nonprofit sources of anti-Islamophobia propaganda in the U.S." include the:
- Brennan Center for Justice at NYU's School of Law (BCJ)
- Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
- Media Matters for America
- Center for American Progress (CAP)
- Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)
- Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
Vadum lists 26 foundations funding these six non-profit groups and the donations are in the millions of dollars.
When a knowledgeable speaker such as Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America explains how Islamic law is not compatible with the U.S. Constitution, the "Left can be counted on to make an example of her." And far-Left philanthropic groups such as the Ford Foundation provide the platforms for "radicals to denounce America and boost its Islamic supremacist enemies."
Vadum points out that "Islamic supremacists, including CAIR operatives, have been working with the violent, radical left-wing Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement since at least 2014." Yet, "[t]he seditious collaboration in Ferguson, MO between anti-American left-wingers... and anti-American Islamic supremacists, has received scant attention from the media."
So why are the Lutherans bringing those who hate Christians to South Dakota? One has to look at the federal money they get, but with restrictions on proselytizing. There is no good Christian reason to bring enemies on our soil who are here to destroy us.
Cory Heidelbeger will deny there is a Red-Green axis, but his response to Senator Neal Tapio's decision to enter the South Dakota Congressional race is a flaming example of it:
Rather than doing his job and dealing with such boring practical governance issues, Neal Tapio will spend tomorrow gallivanting around South Dakota scapegoating and threatening the Constitutional rights of Muslims, Lutherans, Catholic nuns, the press, and fellow Republicans. Boy, District 5, you’re sure getting your money’s worth. Be sure to check with LRC to see if Tapio still accepts the $123 legislator per diem payment for Tuesday.
Related: Tapio enters the Republican primary attacking fellow Republicans. In his January 29 announcement, Tapio calls “South Dakota’s executive branch and congressional delegation… timid, indecisive and out of touch with the populist groundswell that is sweeping out incumbent officeholders from the establishment center of both parties across the nation.” Funny—there was no sign of any such “populist groundswell” in South Dakota in 2016, when we reëlected every Republican incumbent in statewide and legislative races in the general election except for one (Roger Hunt in District 25, who lost to former Democratic legislator Dan Ahlers). Tapio says Dennis Daugaard and John Thune would have elected Hillary Clinton if they’d had their way. Tapio thus makes clear he’s writing off the majority of South Dakota Republicans and counting on angry racists like the Islamophobes with whom he’ll finish the day in Aberdeen to stuff the primary ballot boxes.
Interesting that Cory is using Constitutional rights in order to support those who want to destroy America. And he is defending establishment Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce crony capitalsits, who see Muslims as a source of cheap labor. He also uses the left's race card when this issue of Jihad has nothing to do with race. Cory is in bed with the real bigots who hate the Christian West. And those who are warning the interfaith movement about their huge mistake are falsely accused of being "Islamophobes", or what the Islamists call "Fitnah". Fitnah perfectly fits the definition of religious bigotry.
Cory certainly is a worthy solider for the Muslim Brotherhood, whose goal is destroy America's sovereignty in order to establish worldwide Sharia Law directed by a caliph. Once they have that accomplished, they will no longer need Cory Heidelberger and his band of interfaith tools.
Interfaith = Infiltrate.
So whenever your see, read or hear "Interfaith" remember it is really "Infiltrate" i.e., Islam infiltration.
They do it in stages:
Posted by: JimHoliway | January 30, 2018 at 10:56 AM