Last weekend Christian based conferences were attacked thanks to the hatred sponsored by the Southern Poverty L:aw Center:
All of our 5 city free, Worldview Weekend rallies have now been cancelled. We held our Des Moines, Iowa conference, but other hotels are cancelling on us. The Southern Poverty Law Center put out a list of all the hotels we were going3 to and their address and numbers. The goal was to intimidate the hotels into cancelling us. CAIR and self-identified Antifa groups joined in on social media to flood the hotels with calls and threats. The hotels got cold feet and cancelled our conferences, even though we had contracts.
The Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin cancelled our Saturday night conference, and now our Milwaukee conference center has cancelled us. After years of working with the Country Springs Hotel in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, they just alerted us they are cancelling our contract and pulling our event on Monday night in Milwaukee. They are being flooded with calls by the Marxist, Muslims and Antifa groups. The hotel in Pewaukee told me even their website was hacked. They said they have never seen anything like this and have never cancelled a group. We had to cancel the Onalaska conference for Friday night. The event center there received over 57 hateful phone calls within two hours of opening their office. Hours before that rally the event cetner notified us that we do not have the type of liability insurance they required. We have NEVER been told this about our liability insurance EVER by a venue. We could not satisfy their request with just a few hours before the doors opened. Once we lose some of our biggest cities like Milwaukee and Green Bay, we cannot afford some of the other cities and thus the other cities have been cancelled.
In South Dakota, the protests against these kind of conferences have been promoted by Cory Heidelberger and Taneeza Islam. Their common goal is to destroy America. Here are other similarities:
It might also be possible to speak of radical Islam as Islamomarxism, to coin a term. That is, there appear to be a number of parallels between Marxist thought and radical Islam. Both tend to argue that politics is everything, even though one rests on atheism, and the other on strident monotheism.
English commentator Theodore Dalrymple teases out the similarities in an intriguing article in the May 2007 New English Review.
Dalrymple argues that “Qutb’s thought has many parallels with Marxism. Where Marx has Historical Inevitability, Qutb has God‘s Law. Marx, you remember, envisages a time when the state will wither away and history will end. In Marx’s vision, political power will have dissolved, and the exploitation of man by man will have ceased, to be replaced by the mere administration of things. (How anybody of minimal intelligence could have believed such a thing beats me.) In Qutb’s vision, all political power will have dissolved, replaced by man’s spontaneous obedience to God’s law. Just as the administration of things in Marx’s utopia will not confer power on the administrators, presumably because everything will be so plentiful that no one will be tempted to appropriate more than the next man, so in Qutb’s utopia no one will have to interpret the law and gain power from doing so. God’s law will be as evident as things will be abundant in Marx’s classless society.”
Both believed in the New Man: “In both Marx and Qutb, the idea is expressed that, under the new dispensation, man will become more human, less animal. Personally, I have always found this kind of thought an appallingly arrogant slur on all the people who have lived before the thinker of it: does humanity really have to wait for Marx and Qutb before it becomes truly human?”
And both believed that violence was essential in bringing about the New Man: “Marx understood that the classless society could not come about by merely preaching socialism, as if it were merely an ethical demand or theory. Violence would be necessary. Similarly, Qutb denies that the world will become Islamic merely by preaching the word of God. He refers to Mohammed’s Meccan period, when the Prophet did not resort to arms. This, he says, was merely tactical; it would have been impossible in practice to impose his rule by force. But when he went to Medina, he had no hesitation in fighting his enemies, including those who simply did not accept his message.”
Here is another interesting point:
Just as Marxism was a secular religion, or worldview, so too, ironically, is the militant Islam of Qutb: “There is very little that is specifically spiritual in Qutb’s book: it is a political rather than a religious manifesto. And like Marx, he insists that Islam is not so much a body of doctrine or theory or facts, but a method. His notion is uncommonly like the Marxist one of praxis, of a dialectical relationship between theory and practice.”
That point puts to question their use of so-called religion and the First Amendment to destroy the Constitution of the United States , which is exactly how the Muslim Brotherhood is successfully working to destroy America from within. Sadly Cory Heidelberger is promoting the cover person's propaganda as "honest discussion".
Going back to your Dec. 11, 2017 post, near the end you quote Taneeza as saying the 1st Amendment does not apply to private entities (which of course it total nonsense). Then you ask why she went after private entities before. Wouldn't that be consistent if she thinks 1st Amendment does not apply to private entities that she would go after them? Or am I missing something?
Anyway, thank you for tirelessly fighting the good fight to expose the stealth civilization jihad being waged in all areas & entities of our society. It has to be stopped or our free constitutional republic will cease to exist.
Posted by: Diego G. | April 13, 2018 at 09:05 AM