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December 15, 2020


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larry kurtz

9 May, 2016: former Facebook workers allegedly told Gizmodo they routinely suppressed news from conservative sources.

10 May, 2016: Senator John Thune (earth hater-SD) or somebody hoisted upon his staff wrote a letter to Facebook then he, other earth haters and Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus teamed up to threaten Facebook. "Senator Thune (R) once opposed the FCC's Fairness Doctrine now wants Q&A with Facebook about its trending topics."
But the bad press wasn’t what really rattled Facebook—it was the letter from John Thune, a Republican US senator from South Dakota, that followed the story’s publication. Thune chairs the Senate Commerce Committee, which in turn oversees the Federal Trade Commission, an agency that has been especially active in investigating Facebook. The senator wanted Facebook’s answers to the allegations of bias, and he wanted them promptly. The Thune letter put Facebook on high alert. The company promptly dispatched senior Washington staffers to meet with Thune’s team. Then it sent him a 12-page single-spaced letter explaining that it had conducted a thorough review of Trending Topics and determined that the allegations in the Gizmodo story were largely false. [WIRED]
11 May, 2016: John Thune accused Facebook of bias. Jim Comey admitted to combing Hillary Clinton's correspondence.

13 May, 2016: Thune asked Facebook to make space for all viewpoints.

18 May, 2016: Thune met with Mark Zuckerberg and a bank of lawyers. "Just about nobody, Sen. Thune included, wants the feds to police how Facebook displays news."

19 May, 2016: "The first step forward is for Facebook, and anyone who uses algorithms in subjective decision making, to drop the pretense that they are neutral. If I am reading their letter to Thune right, Facebook's response is to gut a perfectly defensible part of the process. Why? PR concerns atm (at the moment)."

23 May, 2016, in the name of "net neutrality" Thune and the Senate GOP said they won't regulate Facebook.

24 May, 2016: Facebook's 12 page response to Thune.

26 May, 2016: Trump cinches GOP primary.

31 May, 2016: Thune backs Trump.

3 June, 2016: Trump twitter bots began urging then-Senator Jeff Sessions to investigate censorship.

9 June, 2016: Trump, Jr. and Russian intermediaries met at Trump Tower to trade for dirt on Sec. Clinton.

5 July, 2016: Jim Comey recommended no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.

27 July, 2016: dezinformatsiya, "Russian internet trolls were being hired to pose as pro-Trump Americans."

August and September: Clinton's correspondence on a private server became a Trump bot meme and somebody goaded the husband of Clinton's closest advisor to share inappropriate correspondence with an alleged minor.

8 October, 2016: Thune condemns Trump.

12 October, 2016: Thune flips again and backs Trump.

25 October, 2016: Rudy Giuliani on Fox News said that the campaign had an upcoming "surprise."

28 October, 2016: Jim Comey said he's going to reopen the FBI investigation into Sec. Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server. In an interview Clinton blamed Guiliani "and others" of leaning on Comey.

7 November, 2016: despite accusing Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing Comey said hours before the election there actually was none.

8 November, 2016: the end of the world as we know it.
Nine days after Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg dismissed as “crazy” the idea that fake news on his company’s social network played a key role in the U.S. election, President Barack Obama pulled the youthful tech billionaire aside and delivered what he hoped would be a wake-up call. [Washington Post]
18 November, 2016: Thune: "Russia is constantly looking for ways to undermine and disrupt our democratic systems." Thune knows this because he plays basketball with James Comey. Comey and Obama didn't play basketball together nor did Obama and Thune.

Thune's rejection of Trump was a ruse. He already knew Donald Trump was a sleaze from his basketball buddy Jim Comey.

That's right: the vast wrong-wing conspiracy was going to beat Hillary Clinton at any cost even if it meant colluding with a sworn enemy of the United States, destroying the presidency and taking down the republic.

Thune can't ever seek any higher office than he has now and unless he's indicted his term doesn't end until 2023. There are no media in his home state that aren't beholden to the Republican Party and although he went to DC without much money he's got at least $12 million now.

Facebook is malware. 3,000 ads with Russian links may be “the tip of the iceberg,” supported Sanders, Stein and Trump.

The paper trail is clear: John Thune made Congress look the other way as Russia infiltrated Facebook.

Not just the Dan Nelson scandal, Thune had a long-time affair with Nancy Naeve formerly of KSFY teevee but who knows who he's hooked with up now. He's a sleaze who was handpicked by his fellow sleazes for "public life." Frank Farrar, Denny Sanford and Ted Hustead of Wall Drug pull Thune's strings. He's the perfect stooge to pull this off.

My prediction? Moderate John Thune won’t seek re-election in 2022 and a radicalized Kristi Lynn Arnold Noem (KLAN) will become South Dakota's junior US Senator.

larry kurtz

Hey Steve, the Patriot Party is becoming a national phenomenon. Could it work in South Dakota?


larry kurtz

Former Chairwoman at the Lincoln County GOP Betty Otten is calling for their heads so is Rapid City's Bill Napoli. Republican former legislator Betty Olson wants Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to be driven into exile after he acknowledged Joe Biden's win. Arch-conservative Lora Hubbel from Sioux Falls calls Thune an "embarrassment." Gordon Howie is saying Thune and Reich Mike Rounds are "out of touch with South Dakota” and should be replaced.

At his blog, Dakota War College obese Brookings blogger Pat Powers routinely smears principled conservatives who don't bend the knee to the South Dakota Republican Party establishment. Pernicious Pug Powers, who makes a stopped clock look like a well-greased machine, salts his blog comment section with a seemingly infinite variety of aliases that threaten or jeer his political enemies. That SDGOP condones, encourages and even pays Pat Powers to threaten, malign, bully and libel women while their party standard-bearers preach the protection of women is a measure of hypocrisy that strains human gauges. He has long been banned from mine and other South Dakota related sites because of a constant stream of bigotry, misogyny and other hate speech.

Potential primary or third party candidate, Shad Olson has had enough.
"All roads lead to a new American civil war as patriots and communists wait on pins and needles to see whose turn it is to lead the charge of the light brigade. Intimidation, threats of violence and promised reprisals are the language of the militant left as illustrated perfectly by Michigan Representative, C.A. Johnson who issued an open threat to “Trumpers” and then doubled down on it in her latest unhinged violent rant." [Olson, Faceberg post]

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