You want find this in the Deep State's media propagandists:
Fifth graders in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, were subjected to a celebration of “black communism,” complete with a mock Black Power rally to honor devout communist Angela Davis.
Christopher Rufo, contributing editor at City Journal, reported on the classroom activities after receiving whistleblower documents and speaking to a school source. Students at William D. Kelley School were forced to participate in a social studies curriculum that celebrated Davis, “praising the ‘black communist’ for her fight against ‘injustice and inequality.’”
The exercise included hate-Trump propaganda:
At the conclusion of the unit, the teacher led the ten- and eleven-year-old students into the school auditorium to “simulate” a Black Power rally to “free Angela Davis” from prison, where she had once been held while awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy, kidnapping, and murder. The students marched on the stage, holding signs that read “Black Power,” “Jail Trump,” “Free Angela,” and “Black Power Matters.” They chanted about Africa and ancestral power, then shouted “Free Angela! Free Angela!” as they stood at the front of the stage.
The school is no longer about teaching math and learning how to read:
As Rufo noted, the William Kelley School is one of the worst-performing schools in Pennsylvania, with just 3% proficient in math by sixth grade and 9% proficient in reading. “By graduation, only 13 percent of Kelley students will have achieved basic literacy,” Rufo reported.
The school, however, appears to have given up on improving academic performance, instead focusing more on “political radicalism.”
“Even the school’s newest public artworks illustrate this politicization. Administrators recently commissioned a mural of Davis and Huey P. Newton, who represent the Communist and Black Panther revolutionary movements of the 1960s; both figures stood trial for various crimes, including the murder of a police officer,” Rufo wrote.
And this is not an isolated event:
As The Daily Wire has reported, the “antiracist” movement has been spreading across schools, teaching students that America is inherently racist, as are white people. This new school of thought also teaches that concepts like objectivity and individualism are part of “White Supremacy Culture.” In Oregon, students will now be taught that finding the right answer in math is a symbol of white supremacy. In San Francisco, schools are more focused on renaming buildings and declaring acronyms to be a “symptom of white supremacy culture” than on getting kids back into school, even as suicides in the city are increasing.
In 1958 former black communist turned whistle blower Manning Johnson wrote COLOR, COMMUNISM, AND COMMON SENSE. He said this about Stalin's wishes for America:
Stirring up race and class conflict is the basis of all discussion of the Communist Party's work in the South. The evil genius, Stalin, and the other megalomaniacal leaders in Moscow ordered the use of all racial, economic and social differences, no matter how mall or insignificant, to start local fires of discontent, conflict and revolt. "Who could tell which of these issues could start a general conflagration" that would sweep across the former Confederate States from Maryland to Texas?
Black rebellion was what Moscow wanted. Bloody racial conflict would split America.
During the confusion, demoralization and panic would set in. Then finally, the reds say:
"Workers stop work, many of them seize arms by attacking arsenals. Many had armed themselves before . . . Street fights become frequent. Under the leadership of the Communist Party the workers organize Revolutionary Committees to be in command of the uprising. Armed workers . . . seize the principal government offices, invade the residences of the President and his Cabinet members, arrest them, declare the old regime abolished, establish their own power. . . ."
The only fear of the white Communist leaders was that as a result of their efforts this black rebellion would break out before they were ready in the decisive industrial cities of the North.
What if one or five million Negroes die in an abortive attempt to establish a Negro republic? Is not the advance of the cause worth it? A Communist is not a sentimentalist. He does not grieve over the loss of life in the advancement of Communism.
This plot to use the Negroes as the spearhead, or as expendables, was concocted by Stalin in 1928, nearly ten years after the formation of the world organization of Communism.
When the plan hit critical mass in the 1960's with the Black Panther movement, Communist China enters into the fray:
There was a time when China actively supported revolutionary causes beyond its borders and when Chinese leader Mao Zedong was viewed as a hero among colonized and oppressed groups around the world.
- In the 1960s in particular, after the Sino-Soviet split, the party claimed China as the center of a world revolution.
- In August 1963, Mao gave a speech denouncing systemic racism against black people in the United States. He cast it as a result of imperialism, thus making it the duty of all enlightened revolutionaries around the world to fight for the "complete emancipation" of black people in America.
It wasn't a one-off statement. "The Chinese endeavor to cultivate political alliance with the African American left was meticulous, targeted, and effective," writes scholar Ruodi Duan.
Today the Black Panther movement's role has metastasized into the Black Lives Matter movement.
Crashes, blackouts, anthrax, Legionella, shigella, bovine TB, suicides, flooding, wildfires, hail, ecocide, crime, corruption, disease, drought, destruction, distrust and dependence: these are the Noem years.
A Feeding America survey shows at least 105,880 people in South Dakota are food insecure. Homelessness in the state is rampant; drunk driving, meth use and teen binge drinking are off the charts. Only 30% of the electorate turn out to vote. There are no checks on executive power and the governor's cronies routinely raid the state's general fund. The state is second in addiction to gambling and teachers' salaries surf the bottom of the US. Wage slavery is the state's biggest claim to fame and South Dakota dairies are wreaking habitat havoc.
Infrastructure is crumbling and the state's bureaucracy is overbearing and unwieldy. Ag groups want federally subsidized crop insurance and the right to pollute. Corruption and graft have become ordinary. Hatred of immigrants threatens the state's already hurting tourism economy. Pollution from industrial agriculture has made waterways poisonous, the state has no modern statute addressing financial assurances for pipeline leaks. Trophy fishing for threatened species is a tourist activity. East River, South Dakota is a dead zone.
Mercury makes fish inedible. Racism is endemic and white immigrants have been accepted while displacing and disgracing American Indians. South Dakota wrongly puts thousands in nursing homes. Mass incarceration fuels the white foster home industry. The state's relations with tribal nations trapped in South Dakota are at historic lows.
But, applaud the nutball Republican efforts diverting attention from the party’s culture of corruption where murders and their coverups are commonplace by clogging the legislative session with christianic religionist argle-bargle.
The only worse place on the planet to live than DC is Pierre phucking South Dakota. It's a hole where truth goes to die and South Dakota is among the states with the lowest personal income.
Posted by: larry kurtz | February 17, 2021 at 10:41 AM